Monday, April 20, 2009

New meaning for the "Handshake"

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute has been working on what they call 'Nano Skins' Which is not to be confused with the iPod decals. These nano skins are comprised of a tiny web of nano tubes and polymers that are thin enough to fit beneath your skin while retaining their ability to conduct electricity.

These nano skins would be linked to your WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Network). Yes, we'll become wireless!!!! Oh Lord let me live long enough to see this research come to fruition!!!!

The applications for this kind of technology are only limited by our imagination - but I'd very much like to have in addition to a notepad, little display and keyboard. I'd never lose my PDA again!!!

I remember when we used to call establishing a connection from one computer to another a hand shake. Perhaps there will soon come a day when a real world handshake does the same thing.

Which may cause AVG to begin making hand sanitizer...

You can read a bit more about this new tech in this H+ article.


Anonymous said...

Cindy! That was a cool post I saw that on tv the other day, doesn't it blow your mind?!

Cindy said...

Yes!! I'm ready to get a nano-tattoo, that I can change as I see fit. :)

Okay okay now I owe you a comment. hee hee